Orquesta Sin Fin

In 2017, we founded the Orquesta Sin Fin as part of our mission to promote new argentinian music, in this case in a symphonic format. Composed by some of the leading classical and popular musicians, the Orquesta Sin Fin is conducted by Exequiel Mantega. 

The opening concerts were the “Estaciones Sinfónicas” at the CCK, in 4 concerts, premiering 50 original symphonic arrangements in a year, with featured solo artists Duratierra, Nadia Larcher, Aca Seca Trío and Fain-MantegaThis seaon was acclaimed by the press and Nadia Larcher's concert was chosen as one of the Top 10 concerts by Argentinian newspaper "La Nación". Stefanno Bollani chose the Orquesta Sin Fin to record his CD
“El Chakracanta”edited in Europe. Italian conductor Beatrice Venezzi chose the Orquesta Sin Fin for the 50th anniversary concert of the Teatro Coliseo in Argentina. During the panemic, solo musicians from the Orquesta recorded the winning songs of the “Nuevas Canciones Argentinas” contest, and “Beauchef”both projects produced during isolation. 

Exequiel Mantega

Pianist, arranger, composer
and conductor of the Orquesta Sin Fin.


Orquesta Sin Fin

In this short video (3')
we introduce the Orquesta Sin Fin.

watch and listen


CCK, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Agosto de 2022

Nuevas Canciones Argentinas

Buenos Aires, Argentina
December 2021

Beauchef - Exequiel Mantega
y la Orquesta Sin Fin

Buenos Aires, Argentina
August 2021

Stefano Bollani y la Orquesta Sin Fin

Teatro Coliseo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
June 2019

Watch the full playlist

Stefano Bollani y la Orquesta Sin Fin

CCK, Buenos Aires, Argentina
June 2018

Aca Seca Trío y la Orquesta Sin Fin

CCK, Buenos Aires, Argentina
March 2018

Nadia Larcher & Orquesta Sin Fin

CCK, Buenos Aires, Argentina
December 2017

DURATIERRA y la Orquesta Sin Fin

CCK, Buenos Aires, Argentina
September 2017

DURATIERRA y la Orquesta Sin Fin

Teatro Coliseo, Buenos Aires, Argentina
November 2021



Estaciones Sinfónicas I

2020 – Album


El Chakracanta

2021 – Album



2021 – EP

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