Below you will find the Privacy and Confidentiality Statements related to the mailing of communications by TANGO SIN FIN to its users. Please note that you may request to be removed from our database at any time. Upon doing so, the process for sending future notices will be discontinued.

The use of the subscription policy with approval by users - implemented in this case by TANGO SIN FIN - complies with the best international practices related to e-mail marketing

Privacy and Confidentiality Statements. These Statements are set to make users aware of the comprehensive scope of the personal data entered on files, registers, data banks or bases or any other data processing in pursuit of adequate respect for individual privacy rights in addition to free access to any information that may be registered on users. Along these lines and in the light of the stated purpose, TANGO SIN FIN guarantees that personal data entered by Users on the Website will be treated on a confidential basis

When payment information is entered, that information and numbers are encrypted. This ensures they are kept fully confidential and unable to be accessed by unauthorized third parties.

Voluntary Data Submission. These statements are meant to inform Users on the use of information by TANGO SIN FIN, so that they may freely and voluntarily accept to be included in the company mailing lists.

Purpose of data collection: the purpose of personal data collection and processing is to provide, manage, customize, update and improve contents made available for the mailing of Newsletters by TANGO SIN FIN. In addition, data may be used to send customized communications to Users concerning the institution services and contents.

Authorization for Use. Users that provide personal data expressly authorize TANGO SIN FIN to use such data for the stated purpose.

Data Owners’ Rights. In line with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act No. 25.326, Users will have the right to access, update and rectify any data entered when so desired. The request by User to delete its personal data will imply User’s discontinuance from the System. Data deletion shall be made through a letter with certified signature to TANGO SIN FIN. Any website User will have the right to request and obtain information on its personal data held by TANGO SIN FIN in its database, with the institution being committed to provide the information requested directly and exclusively to the personal data owner within ten running days as from the date the request is duly made.

Users may also exercise the right of rectification of their own personal data when registered data is incorrect. Likewise, Users may request the cancellation of subscription and the removal of their account from the database. Deletion of certain personal data will not take place if this could infringe the rights or privacy of third parties or if there is a legal obligation to retain the information.

Cookies. TANGO SIN FIN may use cookies that are installed on the User’s computer when the User navigates the site. Cookies are necessary to facilitate the User’s browsing and provide TANGO SIN FIN with information that will allow it to improve its services and content.

The System will be able to collect information on User’s preferences and interests. In this case, information will be exclusively used for statistical purposes to improve the services provided on the Website. TANGO SIN FIN will apply, to the extent possible, information dissociation procedures so that the persons to whom the information refers are unidentifiable.

Security Measures Adopted With respect to its files, databases or data banks that may contain personaI information about Users, TANGO SIN FIN adopts all logical and physical security measures required by law and measures of suitable prudence and diligence in protecting third parties who have put their trust in the institution.

Sending Messages and Communications. Communications to be sent by TANGO SIN FIN will include: communications to present a product, institutional information, any content that we deem may be of interest, messages relating to subscriptions and/or to notify changes in terms and conditions or in the Privacy Policy. If you decide you do not want to receive our mailing services anymore, you’ll be able to unsubscribe automatically through a link included in all our communications or by sending an email to info@tangosinfin.org.ar

Exceptions to the collection of Personal Data and other information. In compliance with our legal obligations, your Personal Data and/or any other type of specific information to which we have access about you or your account, either in an intentional way or by chance, may be disclosed to third parties in order to comply with legal procedures such as a search warrant, a summons, a court order, or at the request of administrative authorities, that are considered valid under applicable laws. In addition, for our protection and for your and other Users’ protection, your Personal Information may also be disclosed in those cases that imply a security breach, physical danger or threat against you, us or third parties.

Nota del traductor: “Carta documento”: carta emitida en tres copias, cuyo original es para la dirección y las otras dos copias son una para el remitente y otra para la oficina de correos, entrega certificada.

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